Why Is Knowing Your Birth ‘Nakshatra’ Important?

Ever wondered why people with the same zodiac sign often have different personalities?
The answer lies in the study of ‘Nakshatras’ or stars or lunar mansions. According to ancient vedic astrology, there are 27 stars recognized in Indian Astrology that are used for interpretive analysis. Get a detailed insight to the Nakshatra calculator for all planets that help to know the exact birth and rashi details..
While determining the personality of an individual, Nakshatras based on Great periods are considered to be more important than zodiac signs (Rashi), because people behave more in accordance to their Birth Star and not the Birth Sign. Every zodiac sign has around 3 stars in its belt, having a specific meaning and nature. Hence an individual with a particular sign (eg: Aries, Aquarius, Leo,Scorpio, Vigro or other zodiac signs) will have a personality-type of one of the stars that fall in that sign (eg. Ashvini, Kṛttikā, or Bharani). Having a fair idea about the nakshatra calculator for all planets is important to have a comprehensive understand of a person.
Here is an important principle from Indian Astrology:
While an individual might have the appearance of his Birth Rashi (sign) but his ‘original nature’ will be that of the Birth Nakshatra (star).
In order to accurately interpret the nature, emotional make-up, life path and career of an individual, we can’t depend solely on the Rashi details. We will need information about his/her Nakshatra as well. One must see the combination of Birth Rashi + Birth Nakshatra to understand the overall impact on the individual. For example, a positive Rashi with a negative Nakshatra will not yield good results and vice-versa.
Nakshatra stars considered in Indian Astrology are:
1. Kṛttikā | 10. Uttara phalgun | 19. Uttara ashadha |
2. Rohinī | 11. Hasta | 20. Shravana |
3. Mrigashīrsha | 12. Chitrā | 21. Dhanishta |
4. Ārdrā | 13. Svāti | 22. Satabhishak |
5. Punarvasu | 14. Vishākhā | 23. Purva bhadrapada |
6. Pushya | 15. Anurādhā | 24. Uttara bhadrapada |
7. Asleshā | 16. Jyeshthā | 25. Revati |
8. Maghā | 17. Mūla | 26. Ashvini |
9. Purva phalguni | 18. Purva ashadha | 27. Bharani |
Know your Rashi and Nakshatra by date of birth
It would be the closest one to the Moon at the time of your birth! All you need to do is to create your Patrika using precise information (date, time, and location of birth). You can use PunditJunction’s rashi nakshatra name calculator feature to find your birth star easily.
Finding your Nakshatra accurately can be a challenge if you don’t know or are unsure about your Lagna details. There are two solutions available to you:
- You can still get astrological readings by use of Prashna Kundali, which is mainly seen as a chart of transiting planets at the time when a question is presented. Are you looking to find out how to know nakshatra padam from date of birthor want to check thenakshatra calculator for marriage? Connect with Pundit Junction today and get all answers to your query today.
- Or you can avail PunditJunction’s Birth Time Rectification service that’ll help you derive a precise Patrika by back-tracing and retrofitting timings of the past incidences. Click here to download our app & book your consultation today.
- Bhrigu Samhita by Maharishi Bhrigu
- Patrika: Refers to the Birth chart or horoscope of an individual, also known as Janm Patrika, Kundali, or Lagna Patrika.
- Lagna details: Refers to the birth details of an individual – time, location and date.
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nakshatra calculator for marriage | rashi nakshatra name calculator | know rashi and nakshatra by date of birth | Indian Vedic Astrology | Nakshatra calculator for all planets