Using Indian Astrology To Make Better Life Decisions

While embracing the mystery is the essence of life’s adventure, walking on the path takes conviction! Vedic astrology interpretation and principles of vedic astrology helps you to defines a roadmap of the future
Some source this conviction from multiple channels – their intuition, passion or circumstances. These kinds of individuals have goals or ambitions and are focused on attaining them. They believe that with enough effort and determination they can create the future they desire. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who don’t have a clear destination in mind. Nor do they have specific anxieties about the future. They simply feel lost and restless, constantly trying to grapple with the ‘big’ questions of life like:
What is the purpose of my life?
Why am I not able to find my passion? Nothing excites me!
Am I marrying my soulmate? Is she/he the one?
Should I take a sabbatical to travel and explore the world?
There are two things common in both kinds of individuals:
1. Prepared or unprepared, life will still throw everyone a curveball.
2. Success and failure in ventures can’t be guaranteed, irrespective of efforts.
The good news is that we can eliminate a lot of uncertainties from these two points by using Indian Astrology. The interpretative capacity and accuracy of this ancient knowledge-system are immense!
An Interpretative study of Vedic Astrology gives information about the kind of life partner an individual might get, a career he/she will succeed in, chances of progeny, the scope of health and wealth, etc. All this data can be accessed from Patrika1 (Birth chart) that is created using the Panchang2. It is also used to assess potential problems in health, finances and relationships.
When we are aware of our strengths, weaknesses and probable results of a path; we are in a better position to make good decisions. Like a compass, Indian Astrology can highlight all suitable options available to you and the potential for growth / obstacles in your journey. You can then decide to stop or walk in a particular direction. Take advantage of this instrument of guidance, that’ll make your life easier and help you gain overall well-being in your life.
While standing on crossroads in life, getting advisory from a PunditJunction consultant can help you see the positivity in any difficult situation. Get your Patrika interpreted before making any big life decisions. Click here to download our app & book your consultation today.
- Patrika: Refers to the Birth chart or horoscope of an individual, also known as Janm Patrika, Kundali, or Lagna Patrika.
- Panchang: It is an Indian astrological almanac that uses traditional units of timekeeping, to provide important details of days in a calendar.
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