Gift Yourself with a Patrika for Your Newborn
Chart Alternatives for your new bundle of joy.
You are not alone! All parents want to understand their children and develop a unique bond with them. Maybe this is why you should consider getting your child’s Patrika (Horoscope) made right after their birth. Janam kundali by date of birth and time enables you to know the inherent nature and qualities of your child instantly, even before he or she starts speaking. Isn’t that amazing? Having a Patrika for Your Newborn is a precious gift that every parent must have with themselves.
An interesting fact about Indian Astrology is that the minute a child is born, we can learn about his/her personality and proclivities simply by generating a Patrika (Birth chart). It is based on the position of the celestial bodies (moon, planets, zodiac signs and stars) at the time of birth.
One of the most common questions we get asked is “Many kids are born at the same time and still they develop different personalities. So, how can an astrologer make non-generic interpretations?”
The answer to this lies in the divisional charts that Indian Astrologers use for meticulous calculations. These are the sub-charts of the main-birth Patrika. Their positions change every 7-10 minutes, so do interpretations. For deducing accurate future events, it is essential that the ToB (Time of Birth) used for the creation of the Patrika is as precise as possible.
Finding it hard to bond with your newborn baby?
Try using the birth Rashi (Zodiac sign) technique of Indian Astrology to learn about his/her nature.

To be your child’s emotional anchor, you must first know what truly works for its personality. By getting a Birth chart made, you’ll be able to predict their nature, personal inclinations and innate talents. You can prepare an online janampatri for newborn baby and use the knowledge to help your child navigate through life’s important decisions like education, career, relationships and indeed, self-actualization.
When you’re able to guide children spiritually, in a manner that appeals to their soul and that is aligned to their ‘destined’ life path, then you’ll be able to handle them a lot more easily. By creating a rashi name by date of birth in hindu calendar you will also get time to figure out the best possible emotional and practical way to deal with your child’s emotional and behavioral concerns.
Connect with the PJ consultants and check how to know rashi of new born baby and understand the strength of moon, stars and other celestial bodies influencing the birth of your child. Click here to download our app & get a 15 minutes free consultation today. As per your convenience of language, get your copy of janam kundali by date of birth and time in hindi or janam kundali by date of birth and time in english for your newborn child.
- Patrika: Refers to the Birth chart or horoscope of an individual, also known as Janm Patrika, Kundali, or Lagna Patrika.
- How to judge horoscope (Vol 1) by B.V. Raman.
- Bhrigu Samhita by Maharishi Bhrigu.
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