The Centrality Of Moon In Indian Astrology
“Cogito ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am.)”, said the father of Modern Philosophy, René Descartes.
How we think or feel creates the framework of our ‘inner world’; determining our personality traits, self-image, and emotional intelligence. In fact, our very existence and well-being are largely defined by these two aspects. In Indian Astrology, all analysis is done using the moon in astrology (the Zodiac Sign in House that Moon resides). The Moon is the planet that presides over emotions, compassion, intuition, and other cognitive faculties. This post gives an insight on the significance of Moon in Indian Vedic Astrology.

As per the astrology charts, Moon is the ‘Queen’ amongst planets & possesses a considerable amount of grip on our emotional energies and subsequently on our overall well-being. In a Patrika (Birth chart), Moon’s placement impacts a variety of things in our lives.
On analyzing Moon’s strength in a horoscope, its Aspects, and transit details; you can learn many things about an individual. This is why having a fair idea about the aspects of moon in vedic astrology is so important. Let’s explore some of the popular characteristics of moon in astrology.
- Emotional strength & nature: A positive placement of Moon means an individual would be sensitive, caring, compassionate, emotional, and submissive in nature. They are likely to have a sweet disposition and a tender way of speaking. Moon-dominant people are nurturers by nature. They like to take care of others and avoid getting into any kind of conflict or confrontation. Their immense inner strength will enable them to deal with adverse situations with a high level of tolerance and kindness. A negatively-placed Moon will yield opposite results and might trigger pessimism and episodes of depression or anxiety.
- Relationship with his/her mother: Moon represents Mother in a Patrika (Birth chart). It reveals the contribution, influence, and support of the mother or motherly-figure in an individual’s life.
- Strong intuitive (6th sense) powers: Being a Karaka of mind; a well-posited and non-afflicted Moon indicates clarity of thoughts, insightful mind and intuitive abilities. Many expert astrologers have strong Moon placements in their Patrikas (Birth charts).
- Career focus – Moon-dominant individuals are likely to do well in the visual arts like drawing and painting. Those into businesses related to sweet or liquid products like dairy farms, sweets, cold drinks, etc., are likely to experience positive results.
Are you getting agitated and angry about silly / small issues?
Wondering why you’re feeling so overwhelmed with emotions for no reason?
People keep complaining that you’re being super sensitive or over-reactive?
Getting bouts of anxiety and depressive episodes?
If you ever found yourself asking these questions, then it’s time to get your Patrika (Birth chart) checked for Moon’s placement strength in it. For services related to other astrological signs, click here to download our app & get a free consultation today.
Pundit Junction is one of the fastest-growing data-driven online Indian astrology platforms. We aim to bring a positive change in your life through the study of your zodiac signs.
- How to judge horoscope (Vol 1) by B.V. Raman
- Bhrigu Samhita by Maharishi Bhrigu
- Patrika: Refers to the Birthchart or horoscope of an individual, also known as Janm Patrika, Kundali, or Lagna Patrika.
- Aspects in Vedic Astrology by Gopesh Kumar Ojha & Ashutosh Ojha.